AGMs, General Council Meetings, Elections
The COVID-19 pandemic required YAEP to pivot from conventional meetings to digital/virtual format. With a large membership and over 500 attendees, these meeting required robust streaming and moderation tools, the ability to record and register quorum and secure voting, and manage the storage and display of documents and other content.
Services Provided:
- Broadcast Quality Live & On-Demand Streaming
- Workshop FacilitationSetup/Strike of Technological Components
- On-Site Technical Support
- Platform Design & Content Management
- Document Management & Display
- Virtual Engagement (polls, secure voting, etc.)
"We have worked with Upstream Events to run our online AGM, elections, Council meetings, and more. They provide us with all the IT services and support staff we need to ensure our event(s) will be run efficiently and without interruption. Their customer service is outstanding; they are professional, organized, well prepared, timely, and ready to assist and answer questions before and during our meetings...They are great at follow up and are responsive to [our] inquiries. Their reliability is something I can always count on."